Market Research, Sustainable Fashion

Consumers Care About Sustainable Packaging. This is How To Make Packaging More Sustainable.

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the packaging industry is responsible for 40% of plastic pollution which is equivalent to ⅓ of all household waste. Most packaging pollution is due to the growth of the eCommerce industry. Consumers care more about sustainability and are using their purchasing power to move the eCommerce industry towards more sustainable practices. According to McKinsey, over 70% of consumers are willing to pay a “green premium” for a product if it comes in eco-friendly packaging. A report by BBMG found that 87% of consumers saw themselves as more likely to buy from brands committed to environmentally friendly practices. So yes, consumers do care about sustainable packaging and this is an idea that all eCommerce brands must think about going forward. Switching to sustainable packaging methods will positively benefit the environment, consumers, and the eCommerce industry.

There are three main ideas when it comes to making packaging more sustainable. The first and most important idea is to reduce total packaging by eliminating packaging that is not vital for transportation. Reducing packaging includes using smaller boxes and only using the necessary amount of bubble wrap or tissue paper. We have all received packages where one small item is shipped in a huge box or is wrapped in so much unnecessary bubble wrap that you have to dig inside the box for what you purchased. After grabbing the item from the box, you find yourself left with excessive packaging waste. Now multiply this waste by the number of people who order things online, and the amount of packaging waste is shocking. Not only is reducing packaging good for the environment, but it also helps reduce shipping costs on the business’s end. It is cheaper for businesses to ship smaller packages, and using fewer packaging materials per order can help reduce costs.  

The second sustainable packaging idea is to use recycled or reusable packaging. It is increasingly becoming easier for businesses to find packaging materials that are made out of recycled cardboard or plastics. Using recycled packaging materials helps repurpose what is already created instead of creating new waste. Along similar lines is the use of reusable tote bags to transport purchased merchandise. Some companies choose to put items in branded tote bags as opposed to giving consumers plastic bags with their purchases. Alo Yoga is a prime example of this. Lululemon used to give out reusable tote bags; however, they have now switched over to paper bags. When companies give out reusable bags, they are hoping that consumers will use the bags while they are out and about, giving the respective brands free advertising.

Lastly, plant-based packaging is another sustainable packaging idea on the market. ECommerce companies now have access to plant-based or compostable packaging such as biodegradable mailers made of compressed plant fibers as opposed to plastics. Noissue is a trendy, sustainable packaging company that offers a range of compostable mailers that are guaranteed to break down in home compost within 180 days and 90 days in commercial composting conditions.

Switching over to more sustainable packaging methods can seem daunting at first but will greatly benefit eCommerce companies in the long run. Data shows that consumers are willing to spend a little extra on companies that use sustainable packaging methods which should incentivize companies to make the switch. Not only will sustainable packaging benefit the environment it will also reduce costs for businesses and increase consumer satisfaction in online shopping.

XO, Alicia

(1) Comment

  1. Sharon Lou says:

    I am still thinking about sustainable ideas in packaging. Noissue needs to give me more information.

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