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Market Research, Sustainable Fashion

Consumers Care About Sustainable Packaging. This is How To Make Packaging More Sustainable.

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the packaging industry is responsible for 40% of plastic pollution which is equivalent to ⅓ of all household waste. Most packaging pollution is due to the growth of the eCommerce industry. Consumers care more about sustainability and are using their purchasing power to move the eCommerce …

Sustainable Fashion

21 Sustainable Fashion Brands To Check Out In 2021

This is a guide to 21 small, sustainable fashion brands you should check out in 2021. When you search ‘sustainable fashion brands’ many brands that pop up are extremely expensive or have extremely basic pieces. These are the perfect brands to check out when you want something more than a white cotton t-shirt or when …

Sustainable Fashion

What Sustainable Fashion Really Means And Why It’s So Confusing

Over the past few years, I thought a lot about sustainable fashion without understanding a clear definition of the term. The term sustainable fashion has become a popular buzzword, but many people do know what it truly means or what constitutes something as sustainable. It pains me to think about the billion-plus pounds of clothing …

Sustainable Fashion

Sustainable Shoe Brands You Need To Know About This Autumn

MATISSE FOOTWEAR Matisse strives to be a sustainable footwear company by using recycled leathers, textiles, and re-usable materials whenever they can. Matisse works to reduce its water-shed waste by staying on top of technological advances in the manufacturing process. Manufacturing plants are socially audited to ensure workers are treated fairly and paid fair wages. Many …